Needle-Free EMS is an advanced technique, which combines electroporation and electrophoresis; in this way, the active substances penetrate the skin and are absorbed deeply, achieving amazing results. It is a great alternative to mesotherapy, but without using needles. It is excellent to treat hair loss in all stages. 



  • Alopecia
  • Thinning hair
  • Hair loss caused by stress, pregnancy, medication, hormonal changes or the ageing process
  • Genetic hair loss
  • Prevention of hair loss
  • Before and after a hair transplant
  • Improve thin hair
  • Improve dandruff
  • Improve oily scalp



Rather than injections, No Needle EMS therapy uses rapid oscillation which significantly improves the scalps receptiveness to hair growth formulas.  The formulas  deliver a solution of minerals, vitamins and other compounds to increase blood flow, nourishing the existing follicles and promoting hair regrowth

Careful discussions regarding your reasons for wanting no-needle EMS therapy treatment are very important before you begin the treatment. You must also make sure that this treatment can deliver what you want and how you would like to look afterwards. It is also worth researching whether this is the right sort of treatment for you and how successful it has been on other patients. Your practitioner should be able to answer all these questions.

A medical history should also be taken to make sure that there are no reasons why you shouldn't undertake treatment. You may be asked to sign a consent form which means that you have understood the potential benefits and risks associated with the procedure.

Photographs may also be taken by the practitioner for a "before and after" comparison at a later date.



 Every scalp is unique and will require different treatment plans, the number of session required will be determined by your specialist based on your scalp history. most commonly 2-3 session per month to achieve best results.


The speed of the results depends on the extent of your condition or area being treated, usually guest start to see results 2-3 month mark when the hairs start to appear on the scalp surface. 


EMS is a very cost-effective procedure. Each session costs between $150-$600. Since you will need 10 or more sessions for the effects to be visible, the treatment costs will vary accordingly.