There are a wide variety of causes and treatments for different hair problems from dandruff to scalp eczema or dealing with oily or dry and brittle hair. Much like seeing a doctor when we are not well, seeing a trichologist for a scalp analysis is the best way to better understand your hair condition, identify the possible causes and seek appropriate treatments. A detailed scalp analysis allows us to see the state of your scalp and hair closeup. We assesses the hair and scalp from the condition of your scalp to the density of your hair and the health of the follicles to create you a personalized treatment plan based on your analysis report. Some key factors we look at are:



Men and Women have different hair loss patterns.  We use a guide to determine which class closely matches your pattern of hair loss.  For men, the Norwood-Hamilton Scale is used. Women use the Ludwig scale to classify their stage of hair loss.


Our camera is ready for a close up.  We will focus the scope onto your scalp to determine the status of your scalp.  We are looking for signs of dryness like scales or flakes.  A shiny or muddy appearance indicates excess oil production.  Determining the natural state of your scalp is crucial to determining the best treatment protocol and so we recommend not washing your hair at least 24 hours before your appointment.


Our camera uses a blue-hued light to detect the presence of keratin on the scalp.  This build up and residue can be damaging to your hair growth and it must be removed regularly.  The buildup forms a plug in your hair follicle and it can even flake like dandruff.


We will examine your scalp for inflammation or sensitivity.  If you have capillaries exposed and your scalp is itchy or inflamed, you must address it in order to grow healthy hair.  There can be several explanations for inflammation, from auto-immune disorders to allergies to hair folliculitis.  Inflammation and hair loss are very closely linked but luckily there are actions you can take to minimize or correct your scalp inflammation.


We will take a picture of a strand of your hair measure its diameter.  We will determine if your hair is a normal thickness.  Hair that registers thinner than average may indicate that miniaturization is happening.  Hair miniaturization is shrinking of the hair strand and eventually the hair follicle.  This can be permanent if it is not handled in its early stages.  Your hair may be gradually growing thinner and thinner due to genetics, stress, nutritional deficiencies, hormones imbalances or aging.  Addressing miniaturization while the follicle is still attached to it’s stem cell sources is critical otherwise the follicle will eventually stop growing hair all together. 



We will use our scope to take a close-up picture of one centimeter of your scalp.  We will count the hair follicles you have in that given area and determine if you have an average amount or below average amount.  You are only able to grow hair if you have hair follicles present.  It is best to begin treatments before you lose your hair follicles because once they are gone, there is no way to get them back.  Nourishing your hair follicles with antioxidants and nutrients and keeping your scalp clear of residue is the best way to maintain your hair follicles.



Ideally your hair pore will be an open crater free of oil and debris.  Excessive oil, keratin buildup or residue clogging your pores should be removed with special treatment.